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Customizing a Campaign

From the Bank Settings >> Campaigns tab, your Bank Administrator can customize the verbiage of the Mobile Check Deposit Campaign, Disable the campaign, and Clear Dismissals if the campaign should be presented to users again.

To edit the campaign,

  1. Navigate to the Bank Settings Tab / Campaigns sub-tab and select Edit Campaign.

  2. The Campaign: Remote Deposit Capture Campaign screen displays. There are two sections of the campaign for browser and mobile application users.
    • The Large Browser/Application Screen section is configured for iPads and larger mobile devices.
    • The Small Browser/Application Screen section is configured for iPhone and Android mobile devices.

    • Title: Verbiage displayed at the top of the campaign card. Up to 50 alpha, numeric, and special characters can be entered.
    • Text field: Verbiage that is displayed on the campaign to the user. Up to 60 alpha, numeric and special characters can be entered. Use the Edit toolbar to customize the look of the text displayed on the campaign card. To insert a link within the Text field, refer to the Inserting a Link in the Text Field section for more information.
    • Campaign Location URL: This field is read-only. Mobile Check Deposit campaign card screen location.
    • Button Enabled: When checked, the user can click on a green button from the campaign card that links directly to the mobile app download.
    • Button Navigation URL: This field is read-only. It specifies the link to the mobile app download.
    • Button Text: Text displayed on the green button at the bottom of the Remote Deposit Capture campaign card. This field will only be available for customization when the Button Enabled checkbox is selected. It is a required field and cannot be left blank.
    • Examples:

      Mobile Check Deposit Campaign Card with Button Enabled – Large Browser/App Screen

      Mobile Check Deposit Campaign Card with Button Enabled – Small Browser/App Screen

  3. Make all necessary changes and select the Save Changes button.
  4. Click OK on the Campaign Saved confirmation screen.


In This Section

Inserting a Link in the Text Field

See Also

Example of a Campaign

Dismissing Users from a Campaign

Clearing User Dismissals

Disabling a Campaign

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